10. 去上所有的课并记笔记. 这似乎是显而易见的, but it may be tempting to catch up on sleep, 完成今天要交的论文, 等. Attendance in class is key to good time management!
9. 准时或提早到校上课. 给 yourself time to get in the right mind set for each of your classes (topic and course type). It helps to spend a few minutes going over your notes from the previous class meeting.
8. 上课时坐在前面中间... 如果你早到的话会更容易做到(参见第9条)。! You'll listen longer and better and will be more likely to participate, even in a large class.
7. Review your notes and graded work frequently. Don't just toss your homework or papers aside after they are returned to you; they are valuable learning tools. The more you review, the better your recall.
6. 跟上阅读进度. 另一个明显的例子, but allow yourself enough time in your schedule to thoroughly read your assignments. Tip: It's more effective if you break up long readings rather than trying to do it in one sitting.
5. Familiarize yourself with available resources. 这仅仅是个开始! Help rooms, tutors, librarians, and many other services abound on campus...
4. Get to know your instructors; they are perhaps your best resource in each of your classes. Office hours are meant for you; try them and see!
3. 组成学习小组. Kicking information around with classmates gets your mind working in new ways. 给 yourself time to chat for the first five minutes, then agree to stay on task. Tip: Check with your instructors to be sure what kind of collaboration is acceptable in each of your classes.
2. Reward yourself for getting your work done. Celebrate your accomplishments and you may even look forward to your "worst" assignment!
1. 培养积极的态度. Your attitude makes the difference in every setting. Figure out how you will benefit from every academic opportunity — sometimes the "big picture" approach comes in handy!
The University of Kansas Office of New Student Orientation. 新生迎新手册. Lawrence, KS: The University of Kansas Printing 服务, 1993.
范·布莱科姆,戴安娜·L. College Study Skills: Becoming a Strategic Learner. Belmont, CA: Wadsworth Publishing Company, 1994.
(Adapted from the Academic Summer Program 2007 Muses and Becoming a Master Student, 11th edition)
- 先安排固定的时间段.
- 为办事留出时间.
- 为娱乐安排时间.
- 设定切合实际的目标.
- 在你的日程安排中允许灵活性.
- 在课堂上每学习一小时,就要学习两小时.
- 避免安排马拉松式的学习.
- 设置明确的开始和停止时间.
- 未雨绸缪.
- 在安排任务之前确定任务的优先级.
- 使用关键词.
- 使用图片和图表.
- 只用一张纸的一面.
- 把你自己的想法分开.
- 所有笔记的标签、编号和日期.
- 使用标准缩写.
- 用不同的颜色记笔记.
- Determine the main concept(s) of the lecture.
- 从黑板上抄材料.
- Edit and review your notes within 24 hours.
- Before you read, preview the entire assignment.
- While you read reflect on what you already know about this subject.
- Use highlighting to monitor your comprehension.
- After you read, recite the material to yourself.
- 把字典放在腿上阅读.
- 设定时间限制.
- 快速移动你的眼睛.
- 寻找关键词汇.
- 在阅读时做笔记.
- Find out what the professor wants you to get out of the reading.
- Write up your own questions and take this "test" several times before the actual exam.
- 问老师会发生什么.
- Look for possible test questions in your notes.
- 组成小组学习.
- For multiple-choice questions answer each question in your head first.
- Read all possible answers before selecting.
- 利用时间练习.
- 先分析再计算.
- List what you already know and what you want to find out.
- Pay attention to the directions given for the test.
- 仔细阅读每个教学大纲. Your professor put a lot of time into writing it.
- Go to professors' office hours or make an appointment (if there's a schedule conflict).
- 更好地了解教练.
- 提交专业作品.
- 接受批评.
- 有效利用会议时间.
- Attend each class and take notes carefully. 教授 spend a lot of time preparing for class lectures.
- 把喜欢和学习分开.
- Don't be afraid to see a professor if you are having trouble. 教授们会等着你的.
- Ask questions during office hours if you don't understand material.
- Make sure you understand the assignment before you start writing.
- Know what your thesis or main argument is.
- 停下来想想“那又怎样”?在展开辩论时提出问题.
- 开始写. Even if it is not exactly how you want it to be, just get over that blank screen or page.
- 整篇文章保持一种时态.
- Be creative—don't be afraid to assert new ideas or different analysis than your professor's.
- 尽量在你的写作中表达清楚. Try to say exactly what you mean, not just what sounds "smart."
- 大声朗读你的论文. If it doesn't make sense when you say it, it probably won't make sense to someone reading it.
- 尽早预约一个写作伙伴. The spots fill up quickly because they are helpful.
- 校对和编辑. It can never hurt to look at the paper one more time.
- 绝不逃课.
- Pay attention in class and take good notes.
- 每节课后复习你的笔记.
- Do practice problems and extra problems from the book everyday.
- Study with somebody—although do your own work.
- Ask questions about anything that you don't understand as soon as possible.
- Make note cards for terms, equations, 等 after every class.
- Understand the material, don't just memorize.
- Don't stay up late studying for an exam the night before—get some rest and be relaxed.
- Don't give up; with practice you will definitely get it